Tuesday 28 April 2015

Dear Party Leaders, It's Time To Fix Things

With just days to go until the election, please take just a few minutes to watch and listen.

Please fix things.


  1. Inspiring video Fin, let's hope your generations voice is heard because my generations was ignored for profit and wealth. Shame on us all.

  2. A powerful and emotive video, Findlay. It brought me to tears. With people like you there is hope.

  3. HI Finaly a very moving video. The case for nature so well presented. Send this clip fo ALL the polititions personally, someone has to take notice or we are doomed. You are doing a great work and I hope people on the internet watch this clip and take on the message into their hearts. WELL DONE

  4. Wow! You are wise beyond your years Findlay. This needs to be shown on prime time TV.

  5. Wow! Findlay, That's a great video, hard hitting, moving and straight to the point.
    The sad thing is that you've had the need to make it at all! Previous generations have messed up and damaged the world almost to a point of no return, hopefully caring people like you can put enough pressure on those who make the decisions that matter and help them, no..FORCE them, to make the right decisions in the future and hopefully reverse the trend.
    I fear that you've got an uphill task ahead of you but I'm sure, with your passion and drive, that you'll not let up until they take note.
    Great work Findlay..and good luck...[;o)

  6. Powerful stuff there Fin let's hope they listen and after they've listened they need to act...one day they'll realise there is no Planet B hope that's sooner rather than too late



  7. Very moving Findlay.
    I sincerely hope your generation can 'fix things'.
    My generation should make a start.

  8. I hope you have sent this to each and everyone of them--you have captured EXACTLY what needs to be addressed --Can I also suggest you make this video public on u-tube and see just how much support you can get before the election it puts the RSPB BOB campaign to shame! Well done keep going id vote for you .

  9. What a shame politicians would rather engage with someone encouraging others not to vote (Russell Brand) rather then someone like yourself. Shame on the leaders

  10. Hi Findlay. Thankyou. Your video was emotional but has summarised everything that I have wanted answered during the entirety of this election campaign. Let us hope we will finally get some answers.

    Jane Dalton made the same impassioned plea in the Independent last year. Why are environmental crises being ignored? http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/climate-change-overpopulation-animal-extinction--its-all-happening-and-tv-is-ignoring-it-9843267.html?origin=internalSearch

  11. Well done Findlay. Your message deserves to be heard far and wide. Thank you for making this video.

  12. Wonderful stuff Findlay... lets hope they listen.

  13. Brilliant stuff Findlay. You are a great inspiration to both your own generation but also those who perhaps should have shouted louder in the past.

  14. Great video Fin! The government here would not meet with your approval I think, for all the same reasons: they only see resources and profit - and nothing else matters.

    Hope some part of the outcomes of our and your elections can start to get the balance restored.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  15. Fantastic!!! You should forward this video to all!!

  16. Great effort Fin. Never lose that fire!!

  17. This brought me to tears thinking that none of the politicians want to do anything about the countryside unless it is pandering to the farmers and the badger cull.

  18. WOW Findlay!! Incredible presentation and for someone so young, I am almost speechless!!!

  19. Findlay is a young guy wise beyond his years ..... this vid. should be aired nationally and politicians need to wise up .... I fear a world in the future where you look to the sky ...... and see nothing.

  20. After receiving numerous campaign leaflets through the door in recent days, I spent my drive to work this morning trying to compose an email to my local candidates, expressing my disgust at how little nature and the environment have been mentioned in the run up to the election.

    Can't they see how important these issues are?!

    Now I think I'll just send them a link to your video. I don't think I could have put it any more eloquently.

    I wish there were more people like you- keep up the good work!

  21. Your one to watch Findlay, and not just for 4 minutes. Well done

  22. I can only echo what everyone else has said Fin, very well done. Could you send it to BBC Northwest tonight? You are truly inspiring.

  23. Fab. Thank you for taking the time to do this.

  24. Very moving Findlay, a great video that brought me to tears. I am so ashamed of my generation and those that came before for destroying so easily all that I hold dear. It is not too late to make amends and I can see that your generation will tackle this even if todays politicians won't listen. Keep shouting Findlay and maybe they will hear.

  25. Very beautifully and powerfully done. I hope that they listen.

  26. Came here via Penny Clarke's blog...
    I wish I could watch this video....
    but we are too far down an analogue 'phone line to watch videos easily...
    we just get that circle going round and round...
    I'll keep trying!!

    But, if there is anyone else out there who also can't watch....
    I'll recommend some reading...
    "What Nature does for Britain" by Tony Juniper...
    and don't think what is written in this book just applies to Britain...
    a lot echoes what is current here in France, too....
    and probably for much of our planet....
    there are a lot of facts and figures mentioned...
    but to anyone interested in Natural History, it is not a "dry" read.
    Keep up the fight Findlay... "Illegitimi non carborundum!"

  27. Inspiring stuff Fin, well done mate. I'll be sharing on my social channels now.

  28. Well said, Fin. I hope those who have the power to make changes are also moved by your message.

  29. An amazing video fin. Really proud to see young people caring about the environment we live in.

  30. Just because they're not listening, Fin, please don't stop putting out the right vibes. There are many out there who feel exactly as you do.
