Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Good Question 22 - BTO Garden Birdwatch

It's Tuesday Night Quiz Night

At the weekend I was looking through my BTO Garden Birdwatch species list (which totals 33 species of bird). You can find out more about the BTO Garden Birdwatch here.

I have been doing the BTO Garden Birdwatch for over 2 years now and there are just 3 species that have appeared in every survey I have done.

So the question is, which 3 species have appeared in all my Garden Birdwatch Surveys.

And while you are thinking, I will leave you with a picture of a bird that hasn't made any of the official counts, but who was in the garden for quite a long time. #SaveOurHenHarriers.

I will post the answer tomorrow night. Good luck.The prize for this week's winner is a packet of "Wishing you a Harry Christmas" Christmas cards which will be ready very soon.

And the answer is:

Blue Tit
Great Tit

And the winner is Nick Moran who got the answer right on twitter. I will send you the cards as soon as they are ready.

Thank you to everyone who took part. The answer took me a bit by surprise when I was looking through my Garden Birdwatch surveys. I was sure House Sparrows would be in there.


  1. Streaked Weaver, Hermit Thrush and Wallcreeper:-)

  2. Wood Pigeon, Collared Dove and bl- -dy Grey Squirrels...oh no?..sorry, that's my garden!

    How about Starling, Goldfinch and House Sparrow...[;o)

  3. Starling, Wood Pigeon and Robin.

    I think Doug has been on the Christmas sherry already. :-)

    1. Didn't you know Keith, the birds are very exotic in Northampton!...[;o)

  4. Blackbird, Dunnock & Blue tit

  5. OK a more serious effort. I bizarrely reckon a corvids like magpie (the fields behind Harry), Blue Tit, Great Spotted Woodpecker.

  6. Blue Tit, Blackbird and Robin
