Wednesday, 21 October 2015

13 Years Wilde - A Thank You

I must say a massive thank you to the following people for the time and effort they put in to writing their honest, emotional, funny and heartfelt guest blogs on what their relationships with nature were like when they were 13:

If' you've not read them all, I would strongly recommend that you do. They are brilliant. 

There were a lot of themes that came out of this guest blog series and I have written a blog about all these themes. It is appearing as a guest blog for Mark Avery today, and you can read it here

It has been an amazing series of blogs and thank you again to all those involved.


  1. I am glad you have put up the complete list as I missed reading some of them Many thanks for this wonderful idea you had and asking all these people to contribute to your blog in this very interesting way.

    1. Sorry I forgot to tell you I saw a male and female Hen Harrier at the weekend on Islay island. I went over to Islay on a boat from N. Ireland for the day.

  2. A brilliant idea Findlay, and some wonderful and inspiring is your latest over on Mark's blog...[;o)

  3. It was a fascinating series of blogs to read and as you pointed out on Mark's blog there was a quite a few interesting similarities in the blogs.

  4. Thank you Findlay, for allowing me to be a part of this great idea you had.

    Just read your guest blog over on Mark Avery's blog; excellent writing as always.
