Friday, 27 October 2017

Those Thought Provoking Hen Harriers - Part 2

A picture paints a thousand words, or so they say; but what about a picture made of words?

Earlier in the year I posted a blog titled Those Thought Provoking Hen Harriers.  That blog captured the thoughts and feelings people had when they first saw a Hen Harrier (and it's well worth another read).   

What you don't know from the blog is that I also asked those people for the first word that came into their head when I said the words "Hen Harrier". I asked the question on twitter too and received over 150 words from a broad range of people.  A massive thank you of course to all those people who took part.

Those words were so powerful and a picture started to form in my head, and this is the image it led to. All the words forming the very bird itself:

 And what an interesting picture it paints. The largest words are the ones that were said the most. I couldn't let these words go to waste of course, I had to find a way to use fact a way for all of us to use them.

So I have 250 cards ready to send out to anyone who wants one (or two or more). The front of the cards look like this:

 This inside of the card has this message:

I don't want any money for them, all I want is for the Hen Harrier story to keep being told and for awareness to build.  So if you would like a card to send to a group or individual, then please email me your address ( and I will send you some cards.

If they all get used up, I will happily get more printed.  You must of course add you own message in the card and talk about how you feel about just 3 successful breeding Hen Harrier pairs in England this year. 

So who would you send them to; MPs, landowners, NT estates, upland estates, parish councils, rural police groups......the list goes on.  

The picture will only turn more positive if we all keep the pressure for change building.